Letterkenny Wiki

This is a list of hockey teams mentioned on Letterkenny and Shoresy.


While a large number of the male characters of Letterkenny are seen on the ice in later seasons, not to mention Betty-Anne and Mary-Anne, the "hockey players" primarily refers to the duo of Reilly and Jonesy, who also interact with the Shoresy and the Coach with five different teams.

Letterkenny Shamrocks[]

Main article: Letterkenny Shamrocks

The Shamrocks are a junior club (for 15–20 year-old players) who play at the Letterkenny Memorial Arena under the direction of the Coach. Despite having graduated the likes of the Bay Brothers, who play in Europe, the team had a poor record, racking up ten losses in a row at one point.

The "Shammies" are seen on the ice only once, playing the Sudbury Nickel Barons (Wingman Wayne), who were an actual junior A team in based in Sudbury, where Letterkenny is filmed. The Shamrocks also play the unnamed Native junior team (Rave).

The Rookie, who receives some abuse from Reilly and Jonesy, meets up with them years later, having been picked up by a AAA team in the city (Nut).

Letterkenny Irish[]

What's a puck bunny?
Main article: Letterkenny Irish

The Irish are a senior A club based in Letterkenny, to which Reilly and Jonesy graduate after being cut from the Shamrocks; to their chagrin, they are later joined by the Coach. After struggling to fit in their first season, they come into their own as reliable scorers, but the Irish overall are no-hopers, even in the world of "senior A whale-shit hockey" — at the start of Season 3 they are shown in last place in a 12-team league (Sled Shack):

  • Loggers
  • London Broils
  • Badgers
  • Eagles
  • Royals
  • Ice Bees
  • Flintheads
  • Snow Hares
  • Caribou
  • The Rapids
  • Dazzlecats
  • Letterkenny Irish

They also play the "Eagles," the Native senior team (The Native Flu), who are later named as the "Kerry County Eagles" (Miss Fire).

The Irish fold due to low attendance (We Don't Fight at Weddings), but Tanis makes a valiant effort to revive the team, if only to demonstrate her commitment after her offer to buy the Eagles is rejected (W's Talk, Baby). They play an exhibition match against the Shamrockettes, although this is called off mid-game as the latter are outmatched. They then play an exhibition game against the Eagles—who have found ways to classify Barts, Yorkie, Scholtzy, Fisky, and Boomtown as Native and therefore legal recruits (In It To Win It). The game goes well for Tanis, who secures a position with the Eagles, and for Reilly, Jonesy, and Shoresy, who are also brought over as star players. It goes less well for the Irish, who presumably fold as they are never mentioned again.

Letterkenny Shamrockettes[]

Meeting the new team
Main article: Letterkenny Shamrockettes

The only women's club featured on the show, the Shamrockettes also play at the Letterkenny Memorial Arena like the Shamrocks and the Irish. Unlike the men's teams, however, they have enjoyed great success, having won back-to-back championships. Their future is clouded due to division between Mary-Anne and Betty-Anne at the beginning of Season 5, when Reilly and Jonesy are brought in as assistant coaches. After overcoming the team division by making a common enemy out of Shoresy, the Shamrockettes are seen rising the rankings above the

  • Donegal Bulldogettes
  • Caribouettes
  • The Rapidettes
  • Royalettes
  • Alouette-ettes

They eventually play the Bulldogettes for the cup, and win a back-to-back-to-back championship. They hoist the only cup ever won by a Letterkenny-based team on the show (Back to Back to Back).

The Shamrockettes themselves also fold, but re-unite to play an exhibition game against the similarly re-constituted Irish (W's Talk, Baby). Betty-Anne and Mary-Anne concede the game between periods, but are brought on to coach the Irish for their big game against the Eagles (In It To Win It).

Kerry County Eagles[]

Main article: Kerry County Eagles

The Eagles are a senior club based on the Rez, and the most feared team in the area. They are first seen inspiring the "Native flu" in Season 2 (The Native Flu), but are not heard from against until Season 7, when Tanis approaches the unnamed Native Coach with an offer to buy the team. She arranges an exhibition match against the revived Letterkenny Irish, in which the Eagles prevail. The effort is sufficiently impressive, however, that Tanis, as well as Reilly, Jonesy, and Shoresy, are brought over to the Eagles organization.

The Eagles make it to the National Senior Hockey Championship, where the competition includes

  • Trois-Rivières Lakers (Quebec)
  • unnamed British Columbia team
  • Newfoundland George Streeters

There is no Kerry County in Ontario, but Listowel, Ireland, for which Jared Keeso's hometown of Listowel, Ontario is named, is located in County Kerry.

No Regretzkys[]

Main article: No Regretzkys

The No Regretzkys are a "beer league" recreational team based in Letterkenny. The Coach had been a member of this team for an unknown amount of time when he recruits Reilly and Jonesy, nostalgic for their time on the ice, to join up (Kids with Problems). In some respects, the experience is all they ever hoped for: full-on "selfish hockey," plus beer. The price they pay, however, is listening to Coach's stories about vigorous sex with his dead wife, Barb.


Shoresy revolves around the heroics of the Sudbury Bulldogs (later, after a sponsorship deal, dubbed the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs), a senior AAA team who compete in a four-team league, the Northern Ontario Senior Hockey Organization (NOSHO) consisting of the Bulldogs, the Timmins Timber Kings, the North Bay Norsemen, and the Sault Ste. Marie Cyclones. In Season 2, an expansion team is added, from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, the SOO Hunt.

Timmins Timber Kings[]

First shift, we kill each other

Bulldog staff and players describe Timmins as follows in Know Your Role:

Dutch last names are so f*cking long and Dutch, they barely fit on the backs of their sweaters. They look f*cking ridiculous.
Klumpenhouwer. Blankenbiller. De Bardeladen. Schowengerdtner. Van Zandermeulen. De Rentmeester. Van Benschoten. Sollenbergerstadt. And of course… The Apeldoorns.
Dutchmen always have tons of kids, so they can help with chores on the farm. So, Timmins has the previously mentioned Dutchmen—
Klumpenhouwer. Blankenbiller. De Bardeladen. Schowengerdtner. Van Zandermeulen. De Rentmeester. Van Benschoten. Sollenbergerstadt.
And then, the Apeldoorns. Eight of them. Brothers. Big f*ck off, Dutch farm boys. You'll know which ones are the youngest brothers because they've had their gear handed down brother by brother over the years and it's barely f*cking intact. Like, they got like frayed toe caps on their skates like they're super pov. They look like they pulled them out of the dump. When they got to Junior, instead of buying half visors, they just torched the bottoms off their cages. They look like they walked straight out of the dump.

North Bay Norsemen[]

Shoresy enjoys chirping the captain, Keller, about the size of the "C" on his sweater.

Holy f_ck, Keller, did that C get even bigger? Should sell ads on that thing. — Shoresy (Get 'em Focused)

Soo Cyclones[]

The Soo Cyclones of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, had been the best team in the league until the Bulldogs' turnaround; when mentioned, at least one character always remarks:

The Soo are so fucking good.

For their last regular season game against the Bulldogs, the first-place Soo hold their best players in reserve, and list call-ups from their affiliates to start. Sanguinet, Shoresy, and the other Bulldogs take some offense to this (Hockey Brings People Together) and brawl, reasoning "if you can't win, don't play. This forces the Soo to play their "big wheels" for the second game. The Bulldog efforts fall short, but they have found a weakness: the Soo do not like the lumber (Don't Poke the Bear).

Soo Hunt[]

A little nose cardio

The SOO Hunt, of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, added as an expansion team to the NOSHO, are the main antagonists of Seasons 2 and 3. They are a strong and well-resourced team; Nat says they are big, fast, and scrappy (Get 'em Focused). Their captain, however, Delaney, is known to be a cocaine user.

Americans have to be he best at everything. They're obsessed with it. Ad we're the only thing tanding in the way from them being the best at this. Which brings us to my point of apprehension. They wanna be the best f*ckin' bad.
First, they started sending their kids to hockey schools up here. Get their players on our level. Now the programs are just as good down there. Some better.… Shattuck, the National Development Program, Total Package Hockey. The average American player is just as good as the average Canadian now. Some better.

Although the Bulldogs have beaten them in all three matchups at the start of Season 2, they have an additional motivation:

Americans hate losing to Canadians. (Accountability)

As NOSHO champions, they represent Northern Ontario in the National Senior Hockey Championship, which the Bulldogs host in Season 3.

Charlottetown Reds[]

Charlottetown is the capital of Prince Edward Island, which is noted as having its own distinct dialect of English, much like Newfoundland. The team name, "Reds," is likely a reference to the red sand beaches near Charlottetown and all along the south shore of the island, colored by high levels of iron oxides in the sand. The team captain is the "Gorgeous" Gord Gallant.

Selected to represent eastern Canada for the National Senior Hockey Championship, the Reds are described in detail in 4-6:

Most of these guys are commercial fishermen, out on the Atlantic for days on end fishing for herring, mackerel, crab. They know hard work…. These guys play as a unit. No one-man shows. Beware, they're pedal to the rug for a full sixty.
Aside from all of that, the word on these guys is that they're just really… nice.

Vaughan Canadesi[]

Anik reports that Vaughan, located in the York municipality northwest of Toronto in Southern Ontario, is the city with the most Canadians of Italian descent per capita in the country; according to the 2016 census, ethnic Italians made up 31.1 percent of the population. Canadesi (singular Canadese) is simply Italian for "Canadians." Seemingly the team's entire roster has an Italian name: Ferrari, Ferrara, Ferraro, Barbieri, Barberio, Barbara, DiBenidetti, Deodato, DiDomenico (4-6).

The Questionable Call panel describes their play as hard, fast, and emotional, but of particular note is their captain, #98 Marco "Sly" Sylvestri, a skilled player who loves the lumber—and competition for Shoresy as the dirtiest player in the tournament.

Brooks Barrelmen[]

The Freezer twins

Representing Western Canada, the Barrelmen hail from Brooks, in southeast Alberta, approximately 186km southeast of Calgary. The area economy is primarily driven by oil and gas extraction and by agriculture; the city is home to Canada's second largest beef processing plant.

From the heart of cowmen country Canada, for these guys, it's hockey all winter, rodeo all summer. They're tie-down ropers, steer wrestlers, and of course, bull and bronco riders.

The standout players for the tournament are the Friesen twins, AKA the "Freezer" twins, two former Team Canada rugby players who needless to say, "like to hit."

Les Rapides De Rawdon (Quebec)[]

Rawdon is a resort town located about 60 km north of Montreal, and Les Rapides play in what is described as the toughest league in hockey, producing players like Pierre-Luc Leblond, Danick Paquette, and Steve Bossé. The team owner is Marie-Mai, a Quebec pop icon—an ex-fianceé of JJ Frankie JJ.


Shoresy referees high school hockey, often chirping Cory and Liam, who play for an unnamed high school team (possibly the Smokestacks) with black and gray uniforms in Season 1. In Season 3 they return to the ice for a different unnamed team, with a red uniform.
